Considered a little radical at the time (“too futuristic was the main complaint), this building has stood the test of time and remains thoroughly modern. The design features two large towers that curve around a central space saucer styled floating council chamber. The materials include a rough, ribbed concrete outside layers, and a bank of windows on the sides of the building that face the chamber. “From the air, the building is seen as a giant unblinking eye, thus the building’s original nickname of “The Eye of Government”. The building is a true meeting place in downtown, hosting a skating rink, jazz festival and farmers market.
leocAugust 24, 2010
TRIVIA: Toronto city hall was used as an “alien city” in an episode of Star Trek the Next Generation.
rekAugust 24, 2010
I think you mean Star Trek (the original series). City Hall appears in a teleportation gateway that leads to distant alien cities.