



Yesterday (May 18th) marked the launch of Toronto’s new A La Cart program, which features 8 street vendors scattered throughout the city (but mostly near Nathan Phillips Square) selling street foods other than hotdogs. Each of these independent vendors is equipped with a vending cart custom designed for the City of Toronto and emblazoned with the above logo, which features a rather witty typeface implied by cutlery on plates.


Jennifer LeeMay 19, 2009
Who would have thought that a city nicknamed “Hogtown” whose major early industry consisted mainly of pig slaughterhouses would have only recently reversed an obscure “Public Health” mandate that required all street vendors to sell only “pre-cooked meat product served in the form of a sausage”. I’m sooooo surprised. I hit up one of the new carts yesterday (caribbean food at St. Clair) and it was sooooooooooo good.
T FalkowskyMay 20, 2009
It is brave that these are left so abstract…they are quite savvy and well designed, way to go TO.
Jacob SharrardMay 20, 2009
I like the idea of the playful cutlery type – but the “A” and “R” don’t quite come across for me. Brave? Perhaps. Legible? Not so much. As for the program itself: long overdue. I can’t wait to sample the new alternatives to street meat! I wonder if there’s an Ethiopian cart…
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