Seeing objects differently is one of the more unique skills that a designer has. It is this “seeing design opportunity” ability that gives designers a real knack for reading cultural form and transforming familar and common objects in new and exciting directions. This simple work takes the classic and iconic Canadian toboggan and converts its wonderfully molded shape into a new use and a new experience. The table builds on the inherent structure of the sled construction and simply flips some of the slats to become support for either end. The aesthetic reminds me of Frank Gehry’s Cross Check chair but has more touchable and less arrogant background embedded in the work. The story of the toboggan’s past life remains, with the unique wear marks of wax and water spots, reminding us of the thrill of winter and the wonder of childhood. -Susan Armstrong P.S. Falkowsky is encouraging others to “rip off” the idea and make their own Toboggan Coffee Table.