High-volume mainstream beer players like Molson Canadian have been squeezed into a perceptual no-man’s-land between “cheapest” and “best.” And a hodgepodge of strategic and creative approaches deployed in recent years left consumers wondering what Molson Canadian stood for. To quote a 22-year-old: “They’re everywhere without saying much.” And because Canadian guys equate Molson Canadian with “Canadianness,” they felt let down when Molson Canadian didn’t stand for something. Zig thought that something should be Canadian guys themselves. Past efforts had successfully tapped into the Canadian identity but had not made it relevant to beer. The key was to connect Molson Canadian to Canadian values. Molson Canadian’s new job was to stand up for the Canadian guy and celebrate his way of life. Zig’s “The Code” campaign is exactly what it sounds like – a celebration of the unwritten code by which Canadian guys live, in a multimedia, integrated platform. Via