A chair auction featuring the top graphic designers and artists in the country, using the popular Good Chair (supplied by Bludot) as a canvas. 20 chairs were available for auction at IDS13 (shown above are the pieces by Burton Kramer, Gary Taxali, Marian Bantjes, Luke Painter, and Sonny Assu), a rare chance to buy their work, and support an amazing cause. Full list of creatives – Marian Bantjes, Gary Taxali, Ken Lum, Sonny Assu, Monnet Design, MoiMoi, Oeufficel, Ian Grais (Rethink), Burton Kramer, Marilyn Lightstone, Doublenaut, Kelly Mark, Instant Coffee, We Kill You, Andrew Pommier, Luke Ramsey, Winnie Truong, Dave Watson (Taxi), and Charles Pachter.


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