Live With Culture began as a 16-month celebration of Toronto‚Äôs arts and cultural communities. From September 2005 to December 2006, Live With Culture showcased and promoted cultural activities happening in the city. The program was an initiative of the City of Toronto‚Äôs Culture Division with the aim to draw greater local and international attention to culture in the city. In the first year of the project, street banners were put up on lampposts across the city to promote the program and individual art forms. This first attempt was, unfortunately, bland and uninspired. This year however, the City has redeemed itself by commissioning local artist Eric Mathew to design the banners. Launched alongside Nuit Blanche, these banners are bold, colourful portrayals of the arts and culture our city has to offer. The style is strongly iconic, consistent with Mathews’ personal aesthetic. Much of his previous work involves screenprinting and these banners are commercially screenprinted works. If you live in Toronto, look up as you walk around downtown ‚Äì not only do these banners promote art, they are art.