“I Want to Make Something Beautiful” is a tyvek poster intended to be taken home and posted on your street as a catalyst to engage conversation amongst residents and to encourage a sense of neighbourhood. “I Want to Make Something Beautiful” is a confident message of hope and positive means to boost community activism. Knowing your neighbors and positively embracing your neighbourhood head on appears to be a luxury these days. -Julie Nicholson, MADE
T FalkowskyMay 18, 2009
This started as a call out to the design community to really start thinking about what we are doing. I recognize that making things beautiful is a process and must be encouraged to keep it motivated. The idea spread, and has now broken out to an ongoing series of community boosts and a call to action. Shown are the tyvek yard/window poster, and the wider circulated decals. I have seen these as far as Vancouver and still see them around Toronto, and in Ottawa and Montreal.
We are doing fresh batches of both, so keep your eyes open and let me know if you would like a poster or a decal.
ElaineMarch 29, 2010
I’m interested, is this project still going?