
Canadian design is speckled with many odd but smart little products. We may not have Alessi’s or Droog’s but we do have a load of top drawer niche products that fill extremely specific markets, and this is one of them. Who knew that the best oboe reeds are made in Canada? Recommended for orchestral work these are painstakingly handmade, out of high quality dense cane from Cogolin in the Var region of France. These reeds are responsive, stable, play in tune and have a very dark and flexible tone. The reeds measure 69-70.5 mm long without wire, 70.5-72 mm long with wire x 7.5-8 mm wide, are shaped on a Prestini #3 flat shaper. VandeBurgt tells the story of the reeds creation best. “I trim and split cane tubes, pre-gouge, and then gouge to 0.75 mm. I then shape, fold and tie the cane airtight around the silver staple. It takes a full hour to make a reed this way but in practice they are made in 4 stages allowing for repeated soaking and drying periods to break in the reed as much as possible before shipment.”  


Ian K. StewartJanuary 26, 2010
Dear Peter, Appreciate your passion for quality and sound production. I share the same values but in the hand making of double blade reeds for the Scottish Bagpipe. Have been doing so for 35years. I would like to construct myself a pre-gouge, gouge and shaping set of tools to suit the bagpipe reed. I am a pensioner and the price to buy a specially constructed set is prohibitive for me. I am a retired toolmaker and with a few close-up photos of the gouges etc. I am sure i can make them. I hope you might ba able to assist by sending me via email some photos. Email is :- []( thanks in anticipation, yours gratefully, Ian K. Stewart
Ian K StewartApril 8, 2010
Dear Peter, I have not heard from you thus far. Very much would appreciate emailed photos of the reed gouging / profile shaping machines that you use. Quite desperate to get underway making quality reeds for the bagpipe. Hope to hear from you soon, yours in anticipation, Ian Stewart
Michael ErdmannApril 8, 2010
Ian, You’ll find contact info for Peter here – <>
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