


![dumarier small.jpg]( small.jpg) This is only one from a whole series of warning labels, including a picture of a cancer-riddled lung via an autopsy and another showing someones teeth stained by nicotine. Aimed at smoker’s vanity, the packages seemed to have the desired effect of scaring folks into not smoking.  


Helsa VenablesJune 4, 2006
Je trouve vos cigarettes tres tres bonne…..felicitation !! sauf que je n’plus les moyen de m’en acheter car je fume trop!!!!!!!!
Chris Sauv?©July 24, 2006
This was designed by KALDOR DESIGN GROUP in Vancouver, Canada.
adminJuly 25, 2006
Great! Thanks Chris… I’ll add that to the description. -ME
Eduardo RealNovember 18, 2006
Can you see automated generic design production for packaging, ceramics, fabrics, etc at <> ?
Bernard LandryNovember 24, 2006
Dumaurier Sp?©cial- 100 milimetres Lorsque vous voulez ouvrir le paquet de cigarette,il faut d?©chirer l‚Äôemballage du haut et Il faut ouvrir le couvert du boitier en carton pour obtenir une cigarette. Le c?¥t?© gauche est doublement coll?© au parois int?©rieur du boitier et vous ?™tes dans l‚Äôobligation de le d?©chirer et par la suite le couvert ?©tant d?©chir?© ne se ferme plus correctement car le c?¥t?© gauche du boitier ?©tant d?©chir?© ne se ferma pas ad?©quatement et ne prot?©ge pas la fraicheur des cigarettes puisqu‚Äôil demeure partiellement ouvert.
RyanJanuary 22, 2007
Your comment that sales of cigarettes went up because people were collecting them is ludicrous. The largest drop in wholesale cigarette sales in Canada happened in 2002 (4.5 billion)and that could easily be attributed to the success of Kaldors’ design solution. They should be celebrated not criticized for helping decrease the number of smokers in the country, leading to a healthier environment for all Canadians. Thanks, Ryan Resource: <>
trmadolJanuary 29, 2007
dude. awesome.
Bill MMarch 23, 2007
My wife and I have smoked Du maurier special 100s for years. The newly designed package is HORRIBLE!!! It is clumsy to open and very tight. The carton is also a pain to deal with. In our opinion the IDIOTS who designed and approved the new packages are (delete descriptives), and should be fired.
Denis BeauséjourFebruary 13, 2008
Le nouveaux paquets de Du Maurier speciales 100mm sont une horreur! Les boîtes se defont, ouvrir l’enveloppe est en soi un défi! Mais plus encore, j’ai trouvé récemment dans au moins 4 paquets, une cigarette complètement collée au papier alu; impossible de la détacher sans la déchirer! je songe à changer de marque!
kenApril 15, 2008
Every little movement makes a difference to prevent future addicts, the box is just one, some teens still begin to smoke no matter how many illness were caused by smoking.
NipihaMay 13, 2008
I dont know what to say but i like these smokes.
CrazyndnJuly 13, 2008
The new packaging is completely unacceptable. If you are insisting on having a smaller package so you can save money, at least don’t have a double roll of tin foil. It is stupid to have 11 cigs on one side and 14 on the other separated by the tin foil. I see you’ve also made them so they burn faster. I’ve smoked duMaurier for 48 years but am now looking to change brands due to your lack of consideration for the customer and your desire to make profits at our expense.
james thompsonJuly 14, 2008
i,ve smoked Du Maurier cigarette,s for over 20 years now,,in my opion this new pack you people have come out with is a poor exuse for a pack,,,what was wrong with the old packs?,,go back to the old packs the new one,s dont cut it,,,poorly marked,,so us the smoke the regular size,,,always get stuck with kings,,i hate em,,,change back or i,ll be changing brands
Doreen PartridgeJuly 21, 2008
I have smoked dumaurier for many, many years but have now changed brands because of the “new improved” package. It is the worst package I have ever seen, it is too thick to fit it a mans shirt pocket or my small purse and the cigarettes are packed in so tight it is hard to get one out. There is so much heavy tin foil it is rediculous.
PamelaJuly 22, 2008
I wish you’d go back to the old packaging so that both the buyers and the sellers know whether it’s regular, light, extra light. I never get the same package of cigarettes twice in a row because the sellers don’t have a clue what distinct, premiere, or presitige are. And when I ask, are you sure, they say ‘yes’. All I want is a pack of extra light and, thanks to confused sellers, this buyer doesn’t know which pack is which.
Marjorie JensenJuly 29, 2008
The new packaging is absolutely terrible, they are hard to open, thenhard to keep closed. Please go back to the old packages, they are so much easier to use, and carry. Thank you.
B McCarthyAugust 1, 2008
The new packaging is horrible and causes me to consider changing brands after smoking your brand for 30 years. Get a grip and go back to the original packaging.
April CameronAugust 1, 2008
Thank you for changing the packaging! After about 15 years of smoking Du Maurier I got fed up with the new packaging – it was a pain to open – and the brand names were confusing. As the person above mentioned, sellers have no idea which brands are light, extra light, etc., so I decided to quit! Best decision in my life! Thank you for helping me quit!
Derrick SmithAugust 21, 2008
I’ve been a customer of your product for a long time and am pleased to say that I actually enjoy the taste of this product. HOWEVER, I have now switched brands due to the stupid new package design. As was mentioned in previous posts, the package does not fit in a shirt pocket as it falls out easily; the cigarettes are difficult to remove from the package and it doesn’t look right.
Pete PallettSeptember 16, 2008
I was the writer and co-creative director for this project, in partnership with Sally Douglas. We were hired by Focus Strategies, a communications firm in Vancouver, BC. It wasn’t strictly a Kaldor project by any means. The Ontario Cancer Society conducted research on the warnings’ effectiveness. Among other findings, 44 percent of smokers said the new warnings increased their motivation to quit smoking, and of those who attempted to quit, 38 percent said the warnings were a factor in motivating their quitting attempt.
Norman YoungOctober 23, 2008
I told you before the pack is horrible but sales of the TRIDITIONAL PACK of 20’s must be picking up because thats all I buy now
Norman YoungOctober 23, 2008
I like the fact we can’t talk to you directly, Perhaps then you would listen. Drop this over stuffed impossible to access smokes pack.As we all agree the person who approved marketing of this bomb should be fired. Soon your shelves will be over stocked with these packs as we all move to the Traditional pack of 20s
georgeDecember 20, 2008
Yes the new packs are no good.cigarettes are packed to tight ,as well the hit when you inhale is gone, i use to get a rush when smoking from the older packs, ive been smoking dumarier regulars for 20 years im going to swicth to export a.
georgeDecember 20, 2008
Jeff Guiler, vice-president of marketing for Imperial Tobacco Canada, explained that the new shape was a way to attract consumer attention in a market with limited opportunities for advertising and promotion. this is the guy who is going to destroy dumarier (i bet he doesnt even smoke.. buddy your pack idea sucks,, how about all of your old loyal customers.. somebody forward this page to dumairier.. even my brother quit smoking there brand as well,, thats a shame after all of these years. to destroy a good thing..
PaulJanuary 10, 2009
I agree that the packs these days, and this seems to be all packs, are a real pain to open because of their shape. It also seems that I crush the filter on the first or even the first few cigarettes upon opening a fresh pack. Was there any thought process or customer survey done before approval of the stupid design? I can’t see this new design being a cost savings or how it would benefit the packaging company when filling the packs (new machines, loaders, etc.). Was somebody finally fed up with with flat shapeless packs? Me, I would take them back in a heart beat!
F BramstonMarch 1, 2009
As you can well imagine as a non-primary smoke inhaler I am only just too happy to hear of the discontent the new packages have brought to all you addicted folks. Rather than belly aching perhaps you should focus on quitting so you can save enough money to enjoy what is left of your shortened lives with the rest of your families. I certainly hope that by now all cigarette companies have been forced to use the new packaging. In fact they should be made of carbon-fibre re-inforced sealed titanium boxes and the cost charged to the purchaser accordingly. If I were PM I would create an age range for smokers say 19-80 then decrease it by 1 year at each end every year until there is no smoking allowed at all. Stop growing tobacco and use the land to grow food for those who really need it. The one thing which never fails to amaze me is the selfishness of smokers. Cigarette butts anywhere at all, smoke everywhere inspite of warnings of second hand smoke dangers, no respect for themselves, their families or strangers. Now obviously one can’t paint all smokers with one brush but in this case it seems more appropriate than most. Finally, if you smokers out there cared for more than your own lives you should seriously consider quitting, the first step is to admit you have an addictive personality and decide how best to deal with it. It is not easy but surely you arestronger than a cigarette. Thanks for letting me post this, have a great smoke-free day. (a former member of the silent majority)
relic123May 24, 2009
Like the vast majority of smokers commenting on ur packageing….I agree ur packageing sucks….poor and simple…Im a 50 yr smoker and hope that this outrage will prompt u to revert to the old packageing or come up with something else less confusing less tinfoil etc etc..
relic123May 24, 2009
Did u ever try to get one of the four packs out of the bottom of the carton?? That should tell u something
A quit-smokerMay 27, 2009
Hello to all in this forum, I say you that quit smoking is the better method to reduce cancer, and provide a lucky new healty effort, and you’ll paying less taxes. I’m from Europe (Luxembourg) and my greatest wish is that we all yes I said all citizens around the World ban their abilities of smoking. No smoking for a Cancer Free World. Yes You can Easely Quit Smoking whitout an great effort. I had smoked about of 12 years ago, and will encourage all the smokers for quitting this lasting stinking and so vulnerable habit, and you can increase your taxes and feel very better and haelthier when you quit this dangerous habit. Europe against Lung-Cancer Association Worldwide Thanks a lot for listening this, Have A Nice Smokefree Day, smokefree The world will go smokefree and cancerfree. Make your big effort and quit now this stupid habit. WARNINGS SURGEON: Smoking stinks. Don9t try to Smoke. When you smoke, you died. Only stupid persons smokes. Only stupid persons will be empoisoned by smoking. Smoking is harmfull and causes you and your environnement BIG DAMAGES. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_QUIT NOW!!!!\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
sandi bliguinJuly 27, 2009
hi damuier.. please ensure. that my the queen sandi bliguin’s cigarette’s are extra safe as the cia is threathening my life and lifestyle right now. sandi bliguin
Du Maurier girlAugust 9, 2009
Sorry but saying to others to quit smoking after you’ve been smoking for so long doesn’t make sense. Congrats on quitting smoking but being a hypocrite doesn’t really make you better. Also if the packaging is so difficult then don’t buy that brand, the smokes are the same and have the same taste. I’ve been smoking for over 10 years, same brand and everything. I see more comments on the cartons and packs then on how much the smokes are. Also a smoke free place wont rid the world of cancer, cancer is sometimes hereditary not caused only by smoking. I’ve known many people who have never smoked and never was around it die of cancer. Also a comment for Du Maurier, what the hell is with the name changes what happened to Du Maurier King, light, extra light, etc. Thats the only thing that bugged me about it. Not the packs, not the cartons.
René-PierreAugust 22, 2009
J’ai fumer des DuMaurier en faisant l’amour.
ghislaine pageSeptember 21, 2009
bonjoure je mapaille je achete une cartoune de cigarette du mourier et il avais 2 boite qui etais brisse ses pour voudire de faire plus atasion car les ci garette il coute cheche merci boucou ghislaine page 2210 geoger v montral HlL 3t9
Still Smokin'November 18, 2009
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a problem with the new packaging. Are you trying to be more American or something? How many packs do I need to mutilate while trying to open them before I switch back to Export A?
rmscJanuary 26, 2010
I personally LOVE the new packaging! Why you guys are hating on it, I doubt I will understand. It’s the same size (except height) as the king size packs, so obviously it will fit anywhere those used to fit. The previous square design, where I would smoke less than half and then have to treat them oh so gingerly because they slide around and fall out… all that extra garbage that came with it, the awkwardness of less than 10 puffers in a pack is not worth it… you guys are crazy! lol Having said that, I switched over to Peter Jackson pretty much as soon as the new name changes came out. Why? The same reason a lot of people did (and was mentioned above): no one knows what the hell the words mean. I have been searching the net for about half an hour now, and I still can’t find the information. Prestige, Premiere, Distinct, etc… I understand the governmend sanctioned you into getting rid of ‘appealing’ and misleading names like ‘extra light, light, etc’ but there HAS to be a list SOMEHWERE of WTF the equivilants are!!!
rmscJanuary 26, 2010
Of course after I gripe about it I find something… In 2007, the terms ”light” and ”mild” were banished from Canadian cigarette packaging. This has led to multiple name changes in the du Maurier family: du Maurier Speical Mild is now called du Maurier Special (in a blue package) Light is now Distinct Extra Light is now Prestige and Ultra Light is now Premiere. Oh, and to all you preachy mo-fo’s who think that because non-smoking is now the norm, its ok to preach your crap? It’s not. We know its bad, we know its a problem, and to Poster#26, who wrote: “…if you smokers out there cared for more than your own lives you should…” I am laughing my a$$ off at you. What an ignorant comment. If us smokers cared MORE about OUR lives, maybe WE would make OUR decision to quit. Get a clue.
AnatoliFebruary 19, 2010
I like the new packs. I’m thinking of quitting tobacco and smoking marijuana exclusively.
BillyFebruary 24, 2010
Yes i do think it could that to men.
BossladyyMarch 15, 2010
u guys do realize ur not talkin to the company right? this is just someone who posted the forum…. and if u like the taste of du maurier why wud u change just because of the fucking package? thats retarded… but thats why they dont care about idiot customers like you because the majority of there profit is still coming in because most normal people dont care !
OtisMarch 25, 2010
Pauline HackerSeptember 2, 2010
I have been smoking Du Maurier brand cigs since I started smoking 40 years ago and lately I am not impressed with the cigarette falling apart. I have had quite a few cigarettes separate from the filter. I pay good money for cigarettes and expect to enjoy them. When they fall apart I really have a problem with that, so could you please look into this problem?!!!!!!!
WhinnieNovember 7, 2010
for all of you people that are complaining about how “light” and “mild” are replaced with “distinct,” “premier,” “prestige,” etc. … don’t bother . there honestly isn’t a difference between any of them . tobacco companies just publish different labels to make you think that there’s actually a difference between the amount of tar , nicotine , or whatever other crap is in a cig . like , there MIGHT be a difference , but it’s so little that it doesn’t change the amount of damage to your body . on another note , i’d like to see all the tobacco companies use the same packaging as duMaurier .. now THAT’d be an interesting difference to see . xD;
june barryJanuary 5, 2011
to whom it may concern, i reside at 58 dillman rd. canal new brunswick e5c 1k9. i recentley bought a pack of your brand from ultramar in st. george new brunskick. When i took the plastic off the cover of my pack was riped tp the point that it would not even come close to being able to close it and unfortunately i lost smokes on the ground. dont mean to conplain but i am on a fixed income and cant realy afford to lose any.
GordonJanuary 9, 2011
Yeah Im fed up with your stupid packaging too, loose cigarettes from the filter (real loose) and I cant tell how many times I have bought a pack at a store, Dumaurier ksize please then I open it up and its friggen distinct (light) ones that a crap. the only difference in the 2 packs is a small red bar on the bottom, when you are in a hurry dont always check, the you wasted 10 dollars on some product you didnt want. Fed up, and will probably quit anyways, but whenm I need a good hit well I dont want distinct light crap, so give me an export A at least there packages are different colours and you dont get the wrong ones. Ha HA you just lost another customer. Yes who ever though of this new packaging should be demoted for all the lost business
Linda StrangeMarch 5, 2011
Over the past couple of years I have sent 2 complaints to duMaurier about the difficulty of taking apart their cigarette packaging for recycling. I am pleased to report (2011) that both the “cellophane”wrap and “foil”liner portions of the packages are now easy to remove, leaving the recyclable paper. Thank you. One less guilt to deal with regarding still being a smoker. LL I would send this to duMaurier, but they are difficult to locate on line.
Marian CloseAugust 8, 2011
I hate the new name and the packaging for DuMaurier…I like the extra light white filter kingsize, but now with the new name the sellers never know which ones they are and I certainly dont…Gop back to the old way and the old packages or I will have to switch brands
rJuly 30, 2012
How to motivate my boyfriend to stop smoking and drinking?
joan bennettMarch 18, 2013
I HATE the new packaging i.e. smaller packs the cigs are in….go back to the bigger box for cigs PLEASE!!!!!
GeorgeJune 26, 2014
Ha ha, first the packages mistake, now even worse. The new. Du plus filters. What crap. The new filters are horrible, taste like crap. Compared to before. What kind of morons come up with this stuff. Rare mcdonalds must be laughing their heads off at you idiots at imperial, everyone I know who smoked dumaurier hates them and the majority have switched to export a. Blue. Sell you stock now in imperial. Cannot go anywhere but down with all these idiotic changes. Does anyone test these changes out on real smokers who were loyal for decades. It’s seems like no.
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