Developed by Russian immigrants this watermelon strain grew quicker (shorter season), and could handle the cooler climate. The taste is close to a cantalope, and features a distinct white flesh with black seeds and a thin dark green striped shell. I am still trying to figure out if this is the origin of Roughrider fans wearing watermelons on their heads…any one know?
GeoffSeptember 9, 2010
I’ve never heard of this particular melon. I’m pretty sure the watermelon helmets were the creation of the Roughriders’ ad agency, Phoenix Group.
mantoMarch 27, 2011
This fruit is very good for our health, because many contain vitamins.
TamSeptember 4, 2011
Who were the “Russian” immigrants? When did they arrive? Many Ukrainian and Mennonite pioneers came long ago, but I’d like to know when and from where these “Russians” came? Or are the records incorrect?