Quite possibly the most artful cannabis accessories we’ve seen, Crater and Io are the results of a collaboration between Toronto’s Tokyo Smoke and Partisans are produced in 3D printed porcelain or steel. The products demonstrate a smart application of a production technique which still has its imperfections. Still significantly more costly than molding the same materials, 3D printing is a good fit for premium product categories like this. More importantly though, Partisans has created forms that work with rather than against the process of printing. Not only do the pipes employ shapes that would be very difficult to produce via traditional means (likely requiring some prohibitively expensive tooling to pull off) but the surfaces transform the layered appearance that’s so often taken as an undesirable effect of the printing process into a decorative element. In steel, the delineated contours accentuate the pieces’ forms (not unlike the way Partisans used CNC processes to impressive effect in their Bar Raval interior). Even in porcelain though, little pock marks around recessed areas that would normally be seen as faults, instead, on Crater, kind of just work. The pieces are available for purchase and pre-order as of April 20, 2017 – of course.