


The Portland Hotel Society, who house people who are addicted and hard-to-house (who also run the Safe Injection Site in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side), recently launched a new harm reduction product called the CracKIT. It is a package containing all the necessary items for smoking crack safely. – Janna Maria Vallee


HannahJuly 7, 2010
Wish a person taking a bus I got on last week had one of these – instead a broken glass crackpipe on the seat took the bus out of service. Harm reduction is a positive thing.
ryanFebruary 17, 2011
gr 11 teacher showed us one of these and told us to write a piece on this…wish these were never invented. also, how do we know that these will not be reused in unsanitary ways? do people just walk around and ask, “Do you use crack? Here take one of these.” Would I be able to obtain one of these, being a gr 11 student?
kelhamJune 23, 2012
I’m a supporter of harm reduction, and a supporter of making these kits available to whomever needs them. However, the design of the box is basically saying “this is cool”, and downplaying the seriousness of the contents. The delivery is terrible.
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