This is easily one of the most recognizable company logos in the country and has been used by the CBC since it was launched decades ago. The logo is affectionately known as the “exploding pizza” for obvious reasons and I have been able to dig up some a few examples of it in use (The motion graphic story board, a billboard from the launch and a couple of fleet applications). Innovative and fitting for its time (CBC was using colour broadcasts and was expanding from coast to coast), the logo was one of the first designed to be usable in motion and flat. it used such a beautiful metaphor, colours and image radiating from the source, like transmission waves reaching out to the country. Beautiful!
“The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation hired us, after competitive proposals from the top design firms in Canada, to develop a bilingual logo that would work equally well for Radio Canada and Radio Canada International, and to develop a comprehensive graphic standard for every aspect of the Corporation’s visual needs.
The now familiar logo concept is based on the letter “C” at the center, for Canada, visually broadcasting outward to the country and to the world. It is a logo which is, by its graphic nature, already animated, and it has lent itself to further on-air animation over the years. The graphic program included standards for stationery, vehicles, posters, billboards, banners and clothing. Nothing was left to chance.
It was a truly complete corporate identity program, which would gain in recognition and effectiveness over the years.”
– Burton Kramer