Based on the same basic pedestal form, Calgary’s Olympic cauldron was significantly larger than Montréal’s, but arguably lacked the same elegance. Twelve-year-old torchbearer, Robyn Perry lit the cauldron as it was slowly raised out of a platform in MacMahon Stadium. Apparently, there were no problems with the hydraulics back in 88.
shaneMarch 11, 2010
Yes, the hydraulics were fine…but those banners behind the cauldron threatened to blow down a few times.
BrownstoneMarch 21, 2010
Obviously the title of this article should read, “Calgary 1988 Olympic Cauldron…”
Michael ErdmannMarch 22, 2010
thanks brownstone… looks like that typo slipped by the SI.com editors too… fixed now.
DavidApril 14, 2011
What happened with this cauldon? Is it preserved in some other place?