My current body of work examines how we use everyday consumer items and icons of pop culture to define our personal lineage. This series of work juxtaposes two polarized cultures and theorizes how branding, brand loyalty, and items from pop/technology culture to relate to the ideal of totemic representation. This body of work combines social, economical, and environmental issues with subtle humour to speak to the notion of conformity by not conforming to the commonly perceived “Indian” Identity. -Sonny Assu
T FalkowskyJuly 22, 2009
Thanks for the lead Melanie!
Great work.
sonnyJuly 22, 2009
Hello! I read your blog, thanks for the post!
These works are actually from 2006. Appeared in my first solo exhibit, Sonny Assu: As Defined by the Indian Act.
T FalkowskyJuly 22, 2009
Thanks Sonny, I will make the changes.
Love your work!
sonnyJuly 22, 2009
Thanks and Thanks Todd! Love this site btw, keep up the good work!
im squreJuly 22, 2009
These are amazing! Thanks for the heads up on this new talent. Wow!